

What's New

New Washington Address

Trantech has moved its Seattle-area office. Please direct all packages and postal mail to the following address:

2910 Leonard Dr
Everett WA 98201-2547

All phone numbers and email addresses remain the same.

Updated 2012 Vehicle Database

The updated 2012.2 version of the Canadian Vehicle Specifications database has been received from Transport Canada. The database is compiled annually by the Collision Investigation and Research Division of Transport Canada and we gratefully acknowledge and thank them for sharing this information with the public. The database has been converted to the format used by WinCRASH and WinSMAC and is available for downloading on our product updates page. 

ARSoftware Supports Windows 7

ARSoftware products work properly under 32-bit versions of Microsoft 7. If you plan to use a 64-bit version of Windows 7, please note that you will need to use XP mode, which is available with the Professional or higher versions of Windows 7. 

ARSoftware Now Supports Vista

On October 1, 2007, ARSoftware released updated software that will run under 32-bit versions of Microsoft Vista (64-bit versions are not supported). 

If you recently upgraded to the 1.20 or 2.20 versions released in May 2007, simply download and install the upgraded programs for use on your Vista computers. Your current registration files will work with the new release.

Please note that this upgrade will not work with any software versions released on floppy disk. If you haven't upgraded yet, all you need to do to get started is complete an order form and send it to us for processing.

New Updated Software! Demo Programs!

In May 2007, ARSoftware announced that its products have been upgraded and will now be available for download from this website. The software will no longer be released on copy-protected floppy disks.

One major benefit is that WinSMAC and WinCRASH can be downloaded and tried out in a limited demonstration mode. This feature will allow you to evaluate whether the programs will fulfill your requirements. 

Once a decision is made to purchase a license, a small registration file will be delivered by email once payment is received. The registration file will make the program fully functional. A printed manual will also be sent by mail.

Click here for a page where you can download each of the programs.

Updated FAQs

The Frequently Asked Questions page has been updated with the latest information. The most common problems a customer might encounter can be solved with the solutions found on the FAQ page.